すべて 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 その他
すべて 雑誌論文 学会発表
Journal of the Humanities Research Institute Chikushi Jogakuen University and Junior Colloege. 19
ページ: 45-56
Journal of the Humanities Research Institute Chikushi Jogakuen University and Junior College 19
Annual Report of The Humanities Research Institute Chikushi Jogakuen University and Junior College 19
The Asian Journal of Disable Sociology. 8
ページ: 73-90
Journal of Chikushi Jogakuen University and Junior College 3
ページ: 247-255
Journal of Chikushi Jogakuen University and Junior College 2
ページ: 175-185
Bulletin of the International Cultural Research Institute of Chikushi Jogakuen University and Junior College, 18
ページ: 227-236
The Journal of Clinical Psychology and Human Development 11
ページ: 1-10
Psychological Reports 99
ページ: 591-598
Journal of Chikushi Jogakuen University and Junior College 1
ページ: 305-312
Bulletin of the International Culture Research Institute of Chikushi Jogakuen University and Junior College 17
Saudi Journal of Disability and Rehabilitation 11(1,2)
ページ: 100-103
Journal of Chikushi Jogakuen Junior College 40
ページ: 53-79
Academic Excellence : Delhi (Book) ISBN:81-88684-23-6
ページ: 84-84
Psychological Reports 95
ページ: 1050-1054
Journal of Chosun University, Gwangju, Korea (Expected in 2005)