すべて 2007 2006 2005 2004
すべて 雑誌論文 学会発表
Technical Report of JSST JSST-MM2007-5
ページ: 25-30
Technical Report of JSST JSST-MM2006-20
ページ: 23-29
The 4th IEEE VTS Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium Proceedings
Technical Report of JSST JSST-MM2006-21
ページ: 31-36
The 4th IEEE VTS Asia Pacific Wireless Commumcations Symposium Proceedings
IEICE Technical Report Vol.107, No.364
ページ: 7-11
Systems Modeling and Simulation, Theory and Applications, Asia Simulation Conference 2006, Springer
ページ: 445-449
IEICE Technical Report CQ2006-33
ページ: 89-94
2006 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications Proceedings
ページ: 951-954
Systems Modehng and Simulation, Theory and Applications, Asia Simulation Conference 2006, Springer
ページ: 440-444
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electromcs, Communications and Computer Sciences Vol.E89-A, No.7
ページ: 1940-1949
2006 International Symposium on Nonhnear Theory and its Applications Proceedings
ページ: 483-486
ページ: 587-590
Systems, Modeling , Simulation, Theory and Applications, Asia Simulation Conference 2006, Springer
ページ: 411-415
Technical Report of JSST JSST-MM2006-02
ページ: 7-12
JSST, Multi-dimensional Mobile Information Networks Workshop JSST-MMW2005-03
ページ: 12-19
Proc the 20th International Conference on Circuits/Systems,Computers and Communications Vol.3
ページ: 1163-1164
JSST, Multi-dimensional Mobile Information Networks Workshop JSST-MMW2005-02
2005 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
ページ: 176-179
ページ: 2962-2966
IEICE Transactions on Communications Vol.E87-B, No.5
ページ: 1095-1103
The 2004 International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Commumcations
Technical Report of IEICE
ページ: 19-24
Transactions of IEICE A Vol.J87-A, No.5
ページ: 642-653
Proc the 2004 Joint Conference of the 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications and 5th International Symposium on Multi-Dimensional Mobile Communications
Proc the 2004 47th IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems
2004 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference(VTC2004 Spring) Proceedings
Technical Report of JSST JSST MM2004-04
ページ: 21-28
Techmcal Report of IEICE SN2004-04
ページ: 17-23
Proc the 2004 Joint Conference of the 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications and 5th International Symposium on Multi-Dimensional Mobile Commumcations