すべて 2006 2005 2004
すべて 雑誌論文 図書
Microbes and Environments 21(1)
ページ: 58-64
Proceedings of the 12th NIAS International Workshop on Genetic Resources
ページ: 100-101
Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, Second Edition, Volume Two, Part C. (Don J.Brenner, Noel R.Krieg, James T.Staley eds.)(Springer, USA).
ページ: 325-340
Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, Second Edition, Volume Two, Part C. (Don J.Brenner, Noel R.Krieg, James T Staley eds.)(Springer, USA).
ページ: 340-345
Journal of General Plant Pathology 71
ページ: 54-59
Proceedings of the International Biomicrocosmos Workshop -for the Enhancement of Rhizosphere Research-. (1-2 February 2005 at Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan)
ページ: 23-23
Genetic and Functional Diversity of Agricultural Microorganisms. (J.Kurisaki, H.Kaku, T.Sato, T.Aoki, T.Nagai eds.) (National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences).
ページ: 90-91
ページ: 22-22
ページ: 8-22
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. 99(6)
ページ: 603-610
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 99(6)
Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress for Culture Collections "Innovative Roles of Biological Resource Centers". (10-15 October 2004 at Tsukuba, Japan)
ページ: 636-637
Journal of General Plant Pathology 70
ページ: 342-347
Phytopathology (2004.8 at Anaheim, CA) 94
ページ: 634-634
植物防疫 58
ページ: 397-402
Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress for Culture Collections "Innovative Roles of Biological Resource Centers".
Journal of General and Applied Microbiology 50
ページ: 17-27
ページ: 97-107
The 2004 KSPP Annual Meeting & International Symposium, Program and Abstructs
ページ: 134-134
Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress for Culture Collections "Innovative Roles of Biological Resource Centers"